Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Salon Entertainment

Dear product lady in Hair Salon,

I watched you brushing your hair
over and over.
Mentally thinking it was a little odd.
you would be getting it fixed any moment.
I thought maybe this was your goodbye.
Before it got chopped off.
One last glance in your direction.
I spotted you
Using the products on the shelf.
Products that are way over priced..
Products that someone else will be convinced to purchase.
And my lady, you are wasting it.
I not only spotted you once, but multiply times.
As I passed you upon my departure
your hair looked quite greasy.
I think you should read the label first.
And pick a better product.


Product Watch Lady

Dear lady who brought your friend and her child to the salon,

I am all about support
and safety in numbers.
Friends are great
and so are children.
Saturdays around 5
is not the place to bring a
friend to stand over your chair
while you get a haircut.
And her small, loud, obnoxious, cute kid
that wanted nothing more than his mom's attention.
She really was only worried about you and your color of choice.
Please call me next time
I will come at 6.


Lady that sat beside you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish I had been with you, wait; no I don't we have enough stories