Saturday, September 25, 2010

Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go!

You'll find that this world's
a great place to begin,
but it could use some help-
which is were you come in.

So now, as my voice
burble-urps in your ear-
with a bump-thumpy sound
that is not very clear-
the words I am saying
you hear in your heart,
and know that I wish you
the very best start.

It's a scrumptulous world
and it's ready to greet you.
And as for myself....

I can't wait to meet you!

-Dr. Seuss

P.S. Take the poll on our sidebar.


Colored Cloud said...

this is so cute! Just stumbled on your blog, loved it! Best wishes in everything :)

Kate said...


Greg said...

Congratulations Reeds!!

patriciamclaughlin said...

YAY! There is going to be a baby Reed!! :)