Saturday, January 30, 2010

Slippery when wet...

Today we woke up to find that the weather man was right. We received about 2 inches of snow. Our sign on our back door seemed to work! I was able to go out and take just a few pictures. They are not that great since it was raining at the time. So we now have snow covered with ice. But the weekend has been nice and relaxing!


Lisa said...

wow! you did get snow. hope it was enough to have some fun with.

Catherine said...

Ya'll got more ice that we did in Fuquay! We were all snowed in here! Beautiful pictures, as always!!!

Jacki Savi-Cannon said...

Snow when I looked out the front door window it brought pleasure as I silently watched the flakes softly fall to earth.
I was in awe..
then in the brilliant sunshine..
it was beautiful but deadly

Reed's Rat Race said...

Don't y'all live in Snow Hill? It must've been named that for a reason.

Anwyay, y'all got about 1.95" inches more snow than we did. Nice pictures though!