Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moving on...

Due to Scott's employment we have been relocated North to VA. I am not sure if I have the worst timing possible but the week after Eric passed away we were scheduled to move. My parents helped out so much, as well as lots of other very dear friends. We could not have done it with out their help!!

So we have been here for about 2 weeks and are still getting use to the area.

Here is what I have learned about our new stomping grounds:

  • We live on a peninsula.
  • It rains almost daily and when it is not raining it looks like it is going to rain.
  • You must allow yourself 15 mins. just to go about 5 miles.
  • Having Target as your front yard is helpful when you need something last minute.
  • Our neighbors are very friendly.
  • A super small washing machine could have been the best idea ever for someone like me that hates to fold clothes. You can only put in a small amount so you have to only fold a small amount at one time. So far clothes are getting put away when they come out. AMAZING! I know.
  • Stairs and an infant are no fun (good workout though).
  • Having friends and family so close by back home is missed more than I ever thought possible!
Here are some photos enjoy!!

Little Bean's Nursery and Crib!

Washer and Dryer

The family

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh wow! Moving is always a hard adjustment I think. I hope you like your new place. Your nursery is very cute!